Thursday, September 3, 2020

Their Eyes Were Watching God1 essays

Their Eyes Were Watching God1 expositions In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie fights to discover Individualism inside herself. Janie, for her entire life, had been pushed around and determined what to do and how to live her life. She looked and looked all over to discover a harmony that makes her entirety also, causes her to feel like a total individual. To cause her to feel like she is in certainty an individual and that dislike every other person around her. During the hour of Their Eyes, the right method to treat ladies was to give them who was in control and who was substandard. Men were looked to as the predominant being, the person what women's identity was assumed to turn upward to and serve. Particularly in the way that Janie was an African American ladies during these abused occasions. All through this book, it looks like Janie commits numerous errors in attempting to discover who she truly is, and accomplishing the regard that Living with her Grandmother and theWashburns, Janie was encircled and brought up with white youngsters. She generally accepted that she was white herself, and that she was the same than any other person. As she was growing up, she was determined what to do and instructions to live by her grandma. Janies grandma arranged her life out for her. She revealed to her that she should escape. Definitely, Janie, youse got yo womanhood on yuh. So Ah mout ez well tell yuh whut Ah been savin up for uh spell. Ok needs to see you wedded immediately. Janies grandma wanted what was best for Janie, however she fundamentally instructed her as opposed to telling her what she needed for her. Janies grandma advised her precisely who she would wed and who she wasnt indeed, even to consider. Whut Ah seen a few seconds ago is bounty for me, nectar, Ah dont need no trashy negro, no breath-and-britches, lak Johnny Taylor usin yo body to wipe his foots on. Brothe... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Tropical Rainforests Are Natures Medicine Cabinet

Tropical Rainforests Are Nature's Medicine Cabinet Tropical rainforests, which represent just seven percent of the world’s absolute land mass, harbor as much as half of every single known assortment of plants. Specialists state that only a four-square-mile territory of rainforest may contain upwards of 1,500 unique sorts of blossoming plants and 750 types of trees, all which have developed specific endurance systems throughout the centuries that humanity is simply beginning to figure out how to fitting for its own motivations. Rainforests Are a Rich Source of Medicines Spread pockets of local people groups the world over have thought about the recuperating properties of rainforest plants for a considerable length of time and maybe more. Be that as it may, just since World War II has the cutting edge world started to pay heed, and scores of medication organizations today work couple with progressives, local gatherings, and different governments to discover and list rainforest plants for their therapeutic worth, and combine their profile dynamic mixes. Rainforest Plants Produce Life-Saving Medicines Somewhere in the range of 120 doctor prescribed medications sold overall today are gotten legitimately from rainforest plants. As indicated by the U.S. National Cancer Institute, more than twos proliferate. Fixings got and integrated from a now-wiped out periwinkle plant discovered uniquely in Madagascar (until deforestation cleared it out) have expanded the odds of endurance for youngsters with leukemia from 20 percent to 80 percent. A portion of the mixes in rainforest plants are likewise used to treat intestinal sickness, coronary illness, bronchitis, hypertension, ailment, diabetes, muscle strain, joint inflammation, glaucoma, looseness of the bowels, and tuberculosis, among other medical issues. Numerous industrially accessible sedatives, proteins, hormones, purgatives, hack blends, anti-infection agents, and germicides are additionally gotten from rainforest plants and herbs. Hindrances Regardless of these examples of overcoming adversity, short of what one percent of the plants in the world’s tropical rainforests have even been tried for their restorative properties. Earthy people and human services advocates the same are quick to ensure the world’s remaining rainforests as storage facilities for the meds of things to come. Powered by this desperation, pharmaceutical organizations have entered concurrences with tropical nations promising insurance against selective bioprospection rights. Sadly, these understandings didnt last, and excitement waned. In a few nations, administration, allows, and get to turned out to be restrictively costly. Furthermore, new advancements permitted to utilize amazing combinatorial science strategies to discover dynamic particles without laboring through the mud in some faraway wilderness. Thus, the exploratory quest for pharmaceuticals in rainforests dwindled for some time. In any case, the innovative progressions which supported manufactured, lab-created prescriptions are presently helping organic miners by and by, and a couple of brave pharmaceutical organizations are back in the wildernesses searching for the following enormous drug.â The Challenge of Preserving Valuable Rainforests Be that as it may, sparing tropical rainforests is no simple assignment, as neediness stricken local individuals attempt to squeeze out a living off the terrains and numerous legislatures all through the world’s central areas, out of financial distress just as avarice, permit damaging steers farming, cultivating, and logging. As rainforest goes to cultivate, farm and obvious, exactly 137 rainforest-staying species-plants and animals the same go wiped out each and every day, as indicated by noted Harvard researcher Edward O. Wilson. Preservationists stress that as rainforest species vanish, so will numerous potential remedies forever undermining ailments. How You Can Help Save Rainforests You can do your part to help spare rainforests around the globe by following and supporting crafted by such associations as Rainforest Alliance, Rainforest Action Network, Conservation International and The Nature Conservancy. EarthTalk is a standard element of E/The Environmental Magazine. Chosen EarthTalk sections are reproduced on About Environmental Issues by consent of the editors of E. Altered by Frederic Beaudry.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Buddhism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Buddhism - Essay Example As the article pronounces the religion of Buddhism is related to the Hinduism religion. Them two have faith in the idea of getting away from samsara likewise alluded to as resurrection. Many individuals accept that Buddhism is somehow or another coordinated inside Hinduism. The religion of Buddhism was made when a youthful sovereign got away from a real existence that was viewed as phony. He did as such so as to discover reality. He chose to turn into the Buddha by being a middle person rather than a lord. Individuals accept that the religion of Buddhism doesn't permit its priests to get hitched, eat meat, or drink liquor, however truly this isn't accurate. From the paper it is clear Zen Buddhism is a part of Buddhism whose pioneer is the Buddha which them represents vacancy. Many individuals accept the Zen Buddhism has a great deal of similitudes with Christianity, however there additionally numerous contrasts between the two religions. Christians accept that God controls this world and every individual has a spirit that will either be send to paradise or earth upon death. Buddhism varies in that the adherents of this religion don't have confidence in the presence of God, in this way individuals can be liberated from samsara. They accept that through samsara or nirvana their spirits escape from the resurrection cycle. Vacancy of nature is cultivated through religion. The Zen Buddhism religion began in China around 100 B.C. For Chinese individuals void is reached through abstinence, single intervention, renunciation, and asceticism. The religion was not mainstream previously, however it spread across Japan and China.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Strategic Leadership in Public Health - 825 Words

Strategic Leadership in Public Health (Research Paper Sample) Content: Strategic Leadership in Public HealthNameCourseTutorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameInstitutionDatePrimary attributes, characteristics, and styles of leadershipBeing a public health manager does not make one a leader because leadership is a complex and inherent trait that a person can either developer acquire. In essence, leadership is the ability of an individual to influence his followers to take certain actions or think in a certain way that will enable them to attain a predetermined goal. It means that leadership goes hand in hand with goal setting, whether in the public health sector or other sectors (Hunter 2007, pp. 148-173). The public health sector requires managers who have distinct leadership traits and styles so that the public health care centers can run efficiently. Fundamentally, six leadership styles exist with each having its unique attributes and characteristics. Such leadership styles include transactional, transformational, democratic, autocratic, and Laissez-Fai re leadership styles (Dessler Phillips 2008, p. 87).Authoritarian/Autocratic leadership is highly disapproved in public healthcare management because the leader takes total control of everything. An authoritarian leader will make all the critical decisions in the public healthcare sector without consulting his followers, who may have valuable information to share. Such a leader decides and delegates duties and instructions to his team members. On the other hand, democratic leadership style allows other health practitioners to give their input on the main issues before their leader takes a well thought-out decision. Since the manager allows participation by all members, the public health care fraternity feels part of the management and their motivation levels go up (Schermerhorn 2011, p. 279).Since the medical and nursing professions are serious occupations, health care professionals can manage their affairs without much supervision and control. The Laissez-Faire leadership style su it a team of healthcare workers such as nurses perfectly. Nurses and other healthcare workers are highly trained and competent professionals who can handle a hands-off leader. Perhaps transactional leadership style is the worst style of leadership that the public health management can have because it involves punishments and rewards to the workers based on their performances. Conversely, transformational leadership style, which focuses on changing the mindset of public health care workers, can have adverse outcomes, particularly if the leader does not identify with the issues at hand in the public health care sector (Kibbe Chen 2015, pp. 56-57).Since leaders in the public health care sector can exhibit only one or two leadership styles, it is important that such leaders inculcate some leadership attributes and characteristics that are essential to all leadership styles. Public health leaders ought to be proactive as opposed to being reactive to critical health issues. They should b e flexible, good communicators and emotionally intelligent so that they can cope with the many challenges of the public health care system. Beyond being confident, public health managers ought to exhibit a high sense of trust and motivation (Wittmann-Price Cornelius 2013, pp. 3-4).Strategic leadership and strategic change in public healthPublic health management needs both strategic leadership and strategic change to enhance efficiency within the sector. Strategic leadership involves using appropriate leadership styles and traits to influence the performance of the health care professionals towards a common objective. More often than not, the goal of public health management is to deliver quality health care services in an efficient manner (Hunter 2007, pp. 148-173). Efficiency is one major issue that most managers of public health care facilities grapple with on a daily basis. Owing to the bureaucracies involved in such healthcare facilities, the leaders must inject strategic lead ership to change the organization culture. Most of the public health care facilities have an organization culture that promotes negligence and inefficiency. Only strategic change can solve the problem (Finkelstein, Hambrick, Cannella 2009, pp. 83-9).Strategic leadership and strategic change have a high correlation in the sense that strategic leaders impart their visions on their followers to forge a new path of efficiency and success. Only if the workers in the public health acre are willing to accept such a transformation will strategic change occur. The strategic leader usually employs a transformational style of leadership to drive strategic change (Hunter 2007, pp. 148-173). The public health care requires strategic leaders who will develop frameworks through which the public health care fraternity will adopt change. Such a strategic plan can occur either through restructuring of the public health care management or by developing a strategic plan that public health care organiz ations will follow. Strategic leaders will always work towards strategic change in their dockets, including the public health docket. Such leaders will influence and control the healt...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Death of a Salesman - 606 Words

Willy Loman: Victim of the American Dream Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman tells the tale of Willy Loman, a man who falls from the top of the capitalism system in a resonant crash. Being controlled by his fears of the future, and stuck in his memories of the past, Willy fully contributes to his self-victimization by putting little blame on his own mistakes. Although Willy is perceived as selfish, it is important to see that he is misguided. His character is one of a common man, he has never been anything special, but he chose to follow the American Dream and continue the â€Å"destiny† it gave him. However, in my reading of the play, I feel it was not an unlucky destiny that pushed Willy to damage his own life and the lives of his family,†¦show more content†¦Willy believes that wealth is the key to your happiness, and the extent of your wealth is exposed by the amount of materialistic items one has. Miller explains Willy’s thoughts in Timebends, â₠¬Å"The publicity apparatus tells Willy that if he works hard like Edison, that if he perseveres like Goodrich, that, if he is â€Å"well-liked† like Dave Singleman, then he will rise like Charley and become rich and powerful.† Willy’s thought process is foolish, and his belief that failure cannot be tolerated in his family causes him to lie about his success. This is evident when Biff says â€Å"We never told the truth for ten minutes in this house! [130]† The American Dream is to blame for imprinting wealth is all you need to be happy, into Willy’s mind. Willy’s obsession with success leads to the start of him living in his own fantasy world. He lives in the past, for there was hope for him then, but now he is completely subject to failure. Willy’s demise could have been avoided had he changed his dream, and had he not conformed to society. In the end his dream did not pay off, and he ultimately fell victim to the American Dream, and the deceitful ideals of freedom that factored into theShow MoreRelatedThe Death Of A Salesman1496 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Today, the play The Death of a Salesman is celebrated in many theatres. The play is regarded as one of the finest dramas of American theater play. It was written in 1949 by an American playwright Arthur Miller. After the play was produced, it was first opened at the Morosco Theatre and starred Lee J Cobb as Willy Loman, Cameron Mitchell as Happy, Mildred Dunnock as Linda, Howard Smith as Charley and Arthur Kennedy as Biff. The play has been revived on Broadway four times and won manyRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman857 Words   |  4 PagesSome stories have stood the test of time. These stories are relatable are leave readers feared perplexed. Oedipus the King is the tragic story of a man whose figurative blindness at a young age lead to his literal blindness at an old age. The Death of a Salesman converts this to a modern society of a man who just wants to do good for his family but doesn t see the effect of his actions. Although 2400 years separate these stories, readers can still relate to both the same. The genre of tragedy is interpretedRead MoreDeath of a Salesman990 Words   |  4 PagesDiscuss â€Å"Death of a Salesman† as a film. How could this film be more film-like? The well known late 1980’s play Death of a Salesman was beautifully crafted and opened my mind up to the reality of some people’s fantasies. When I first began to watch the play, I had immediately noticed that it was a play and not a movie. Usually in a film, there is a hero, heroine, climax, something they are fighting for, and usually (nine times out of ten) a happy, heroic ending. This movie included none, atRead MoreThe, Death Of A Salesman909 Words   |  4 Pagesdesire to be the breadwinners of the family, wish to achieve only success, become unemotional and might take dangerous risk to prove manhood. Many feminist novels, plays or short stories such as Frankenstein, â€Å"A Dollhouse†, â€Å"Yellow Wallpaper†, â€Å"Death of a Salesman† showcase the ill effects of gender roles. Women had to fight to have the same advantages and opportunities that men possess. Before modern times, many people would believe that a woman s place is in the home but now it is common for the modernRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman859 Words   |  4 PagesThe Death of a Salesman is a heart-wrenching story of a man named Willie, and his fight for economic freedom. The story takes place in 1931, and it starts off with Willie’s faint memory of his father, who was a flute maker and a salesman. Willie is a sixty three-year-old salesman who has work his entire life to achieve the common goal of the American Dream. Nevertheless, while trying to achieve economic freedom he ends up becoming trapped in the process. Willie in a lot of ways, died before his carRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman1024 Words   |  5 PagesVictoria Gutierrez Professor Gilbreath Drama 10 6 April 2015 1026 Words The Death of A Salesman San Joaquin Delta College presented Arthur Miller s Death of A Salesman on Sunday the twenty-second of March at 2 o clock in the afternoon. This play is about a young man and his father coming to terms with the past and their futures. Willy Loman, an old salesman, is dealing with both financial and health difficulties. He is put under even more pressure when his unsuccessful son, Biff, returnsRead MoreDeath of a Salesman915 Words   |  4 PagesDefine The American Dream. In what way does Death of a Salesman point out the hopelessness of chasing this dream? Are there any rewards? The idea of the American Dream is truly subjective. To some, it is living in the lap of luxury in all aspects. To others, it is a chance at a better brighter opportunity for themselves or their families. Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman portrays the promise of the American Dream in the form of opportunity, freedom, success and wealth; the ability to acquireRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman995 Words   |  4 PagesHope Miller’s play, The Death of a Salesman (1949) was about a family, and their struggles for the American dream. The family composition was not unlike that of an average family, a mom, a dad, and two children. Mom, Linda, tended to the house, oversaw the finances, as well as the lives of the remaining family members. Dad, Willy, supported the family as an on-the-road salesman. At first, Willy’s outbursts were confusing, but as I read the outbursts began to unfold the meanings buried in the storylineRead MoreDeath of a Salesman1187 Words   |  5 PagesDeath of a Salesman There are some who would argue that it is precisely the ultra-capitalist mentality of individuals like Willy Loman that has propelled the American Economy to global dominance, but Arthur Miller’s classic work â€Å"Death of a Salesman† begs the question: at what cost? What does it do to a person, this desperate need to â€Å"be number one man?† Each of Willy’s sons draw a different lesson from his life and their assertions about how one should live offer a compelling choice for modernRead MoreDeath of a Salesman1278 Words   |  6 PagesSteve Flatley Flatley 1 Mr. Nevels English 102 June 17, 2010 The Struggle Within There is a complete descent into madness evident in Miller’s â€Å"Death of a Salesman.† The struggle Willy Lowman has come to endure during a life of lies and false hope is portrayed very well by Miller’s use of dialogue, stage comments, prologue, and time and perhaps best shown by the use of dialogue and character interaction. By putting all of these elements to good use Miller paints a perfect picture as

Chicagos towering intellect Essay Example For Students

Chicagos towering intellect Essay Gawk at the John Hancock Center today. Marvel anew at the Sears Tower. Then give a quiet thanks to  Fazlur  Rahman  Khan. Khan, the erudite, Bangladesh-born Skidmore Owings Merrill structural engineer, figured out a way to hold up these big buildings and make them beautiful. He created the iconic X-bracing that races up the John Hancock Centers sides.  Khan  was the structural genius behind Sears Tower; he shaped the building as much as architect Bruce Graham did. The techniques  Khan  perfected with these buildings and others around the city are replicated around the world. But the average person standing outside the Sears Tower probably never has seenKhans name. Until now. The city will unveil an honorary street sign at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the northwest corner of Jackson and Franklin right outside the Sears Tower renaming the portion of the intersection Fazlur  R.  Khan  Way.  Khan  died of a heart attack while traveling through Saudi Arabia in 1982. He was 52. The honorary name change is largely due to Sadruddin Noorani, a local businessman who originally sought to get Franklin between Jackson and Randolph named for  Khan. Muslims are always looked upon as terrorists or something bad, said Noorani, who did not know  Khan. So I always look for the good things the positive. We have this innovator. And he was Muslim. A joke based in a truth in engineering circles: Whistler painted a famous picture of his mother, but he skipped committing his old man to canvas. Whistlers father was an engineer. Engineers figure out how to take the weight of a building and efficiently transfer it down to the structures foundation. The job has to be done in a way that makes the building flexible, usable and attractive. Its an amazing, complicated task. Still, engineers often are unfairly consigned to slide-rule nerd anonymity. Who was the architect? we ask, but seldom add, Who was the structural engineer?  Khan   Faz to those who knew him came the cl osest to breaking the partition. He was stylish, witty, urbane; a world traveler. His office had supercool Marcel Breuer cantilevered chairs. He lived in Hyde Park and, later, Lincoln Park with his Austrian-born wife, Lisalotte  Khan, and their daughter Yasmin. He was interested in people, said Yasmin Byron,  Khans daughter, a California structural engineer. He was concerned with people and how engineering affected people. He would travel to different countries, and it was important to him to find out what the culture was like and how he could relate the engineering to the culture, rather than taking a Western idea and transferring it. He was a very broad person, said Skidmore Owings Merrills John Zils, the project engineer on the Sears Tower. In the end, it is what gave him his ability to take engineering and apply it in a more humanistic way than a lot of us are capable of.  Khan  was born in East Pakistan now Bangladesh. He came to the United States on a Fulbright Scholarship after receiving a bachelors degree in civil engineering at the University of Dhaka in 1950. The Fulbright brought  Khan  to the University of Illinois. There, he received two masters degrees and a doctorate in engineering.  Khans first and only job after college was at Skidmore Owings Merrill. He ended up becoming a general partner. With SOM architect Myron Goldsmith,  Khan  experimented with Hancock-style exterior bracings in the early 1960s a few years before Big John was built.  Khans Hancock X-bracing runs right inside some of the buildings residential units. Some Hancock planners originally balked at the idea. Not now, though. Its almost like a status symbol, now, to have a `diagonal in your apartment, Zils said. It symbolizes that you live in the Hancock. It is probably the most efficient system that he used, said Byron, who is writing a book on her fathers life. But he realized you could only have one of those in a city. Sears, Roebuck and Co. was a giant company looking for a lot of space. .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 , .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 .postImageUrl , .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 , .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77:hover , .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77:visited , .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77:active { border:0!important; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77:active , .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77 .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9c4b7f0f0a317081b5b9b2a0410d8a77:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mary Cassatt The Bath, 1892 Oil on Canvas, 39 x 26" The Art Institute of Chicago EssayThey wanted a complex that could house their massive retail operation, yet have prime rental space above with lots of good views. They didnt seek out wanting to build the worlds tallest building. But thats what happened. The problem was how to design a building with a big base that got smaller at the top, Zils said. One of the solutions was to take a tubal structure and bundle the smaller tubes together (at the bottom) and drop them off as you came up. Bruce Graham and Faz eventually worked it out. Sears Tower is not a skyscraping monolith, but a grand assemblage of many parts. Each part plays its role, then bows out as the building goes upward. At top is one triumphant section topped with twin television antennas. The triumph will be relived this afternoon as  Khans friends and devotees gather on the 100th floor of the Sears Tower to honor his work.